Tottenham Hotspur (KotPirog)
Monaco (MOTYA)
2:0 (2:0) 60:00
Tottenham Hotspur (KotPirog) To Win 1.066
Draw 8.50
Monaco (MOTYA) To Win 23.00
Tottenham Hotspur (KotPirog) (-2.0) 2.30
Monaco (MOTYA) (+2.0) 1.55
Under 3.0 2.11
Over 3.0 1.65
0:0 (12:10)
Match Result
Wildcard To Win 1.159
BOSS To Win 4.75
Washington Wizards (mcdonals999)
Phoenix Suns (Answer2208)
55:50 (15:9, 14:15, 15:18, 11:8) 3:45

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